Nebula 1
Nebula One.iso
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68 lines
# Don't edit makefile, edit makefile.bas instead.
RM= rm -f
ALL = os-a32.c os-aix.c os-asv.c os-aux.c os-bsd.c os-bsi.c \
os-cvx.c os-dos.c os-dyn.c os-gen.c os-hpp.c os-isc.c \
os-lnx.c os-neb.c os-nxt.c os-osf.c os-pt1.c os-ptx.c \
os-s40.c os-sco.c os-sgi.c os-sun.c os-sv4.c os-ult.c \
os-win.c os-wnt.c
./includer < $*.ic > $*.c
all: includer $(ALL)
includer: includer.c
$(CC) -o includer includer.c
$(RM) $(ALL) includer
# You don't have to run this unless you change a .ic file.
# Makedep only catches 1-level deep includes. If something depends on a
# 2nd-level include, put it here.
os-a32.c: sunquota
os-dyn.c: sunquota
os-hpp.c: sunquota
os-osf.c: sunquota
os-ptx.c: sunquota
os-s40.c: sunquota
os-sgi.c: sunquota
os-sun.c: sunquota
os-sv4.c: sunquota
os-a32.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot.a32 domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-a32.ic
os-aix.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-aix.ic
os-asv.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot.non domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos.non filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl.non lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename scoextra sendmail srandom.dum tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-asv.ic
os-aux.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot.non domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos.non filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename.hom sendmail tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-aux.ic
os-bsd.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos.non filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-bsd.ic
os-bsi.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot.non domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-bsi.ic
os-cvx.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot.non domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos.non filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-cvx.ic
os-dos.c: bld_path.dos canacces canonicl.dos chnge_pw.dos coredump creatdir.dos debuging.dos diskquot.non domnames.dos dosextra err_desc.dos execview.dos expnfldr.dos fgetpos filesize fltrname.dos fnexpand.dos header hostname jobcntrl.dos lstcmpnt.dos mimedisp pipe.dos print.dos pw_stuff.dos readfile.dos rename.dos sendmail.dos tempfile tempnam.dos writ_dir os-dos.ic
os-dyn.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump.fpe creatdir debuging diskquot.sun domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos.non filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail tempfile.non tempnam writ_dir os-dyn.ic
os-gen.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail srandom.dum tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-gen.ic
os-hpp.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot.hpp domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname.una jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail srandom.dum tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-hpp.ic
os-isc.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot.non domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos.non filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname iscextra jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail srandom.dum tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-isc.ic
os-lnx.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot.non domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos.non filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-lnx.ic
os-neb.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot.non domnames err_desc.dos execview expnfldr fgetpos filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-neb.ic
os-nxt.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot.non domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-nxt.ic
os-os2.c: header.os2 canacces filesize writ_dir creatdir.os2 rename.dos bld_path.dos lstcmpnt.dos expnfldr.dos fnexpand.os2 fltrname.os2 diskquot.non readfile.os2 tempfile tempnam.dos coredump hostname domnames canonicl.dos jobcntrl.dos err_desc.dos pw_stuff.dos chnge_pw.dos mimedisp fgetpos dosextra pipe.os2 sendmail.dos execview.os2 print.os2 debuging.os2 os-os2.ic
os-osf.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot.sun domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-osf.ic
os-pt1.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot.ptx domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos.non filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname.una jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail srandom.dum tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-pt1.ic
os-ptx.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot.ptx domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname.una jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail srandom.dum tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-ptx.ic
os-s40.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump.fpe creatdir debuging diskquot.sun domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos.non filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-s40.ic
os-sco.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot.non domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname iscextra jobcntrl.non lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail srandom.dum tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-sco.ic
os-sgi.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot.sgi domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-sgi.ic
os-sun.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump.fpe creatdir debuging diskquot.sun domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos.non filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-sun.ic
os-sv4.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump creatdir debuging diskquot.sv4 domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname.una jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail srandom.dum tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-sv4.ic
os-ult.c: bld_path canacces canonicl chnge_pw coredump.fpe creatdir debuging diskquot domnames err_desc execview expnfldr fgetpos filesize fltrname fnexpand header hostname jobcntrl lstcmpnt mimedisp pipe print pw_stuff readfile rename sendmail tempfile tempnam writ_dir os-ult.ic
os-win.c: bld_path.dos canacces canonicl.dos chnge_pw.dos coredump creatdir.dos debuging.dos diskquot.non domnames.dos dosextra err_desc.dos execview.win expnfldr.dos fgetpos filesize fltrname.dos fnexpand.dos header hostname jobcntrl.non lstcmpnt.dos mimedisp pipe.win print.win pw_stuff.dos readfile.dos rename.dos scroll.win sendmail.dos tempfile tempnam.dos winextra writ_dir os-win.ic
os-wnt.c: bld_path.dos canacces canonicl.dos chnge_pw.dos coredump creatdir.dos debuging.dos diskquot.non domnames.dos err_desc.dos execview.wnt expnfldr.dos fgetpos filesize fltrname.dos fnexpand.dos header hostname jobcntrl.non lstcmpnt.dos mimedisp pipe.win print.win pw_stuff.dos readfile.dos rename.dos scroll.win sendmail.dos tempfile tempnam.dos winextra writ_dir os-wnt.ic